To consider: There is a confederation of business chambers of Uruguay constituted in 2016 as an intersectorial business organization made up of chambers, associations or business associations, representative of their respective sectors of activity, for the coordination, representation, promotion and defense of the principles and their common interests. More info here.
Association of Private Banks of Uruguay
National Association of Uruguayan Broadcasters
National Association of Micro and Small Business
National Association of Supermarkets
Association of Private Construction Promoters of Uruguay
Rural Association of Uruguay
Chamber of Fishing Shipowners of Uruguay
Chamber of Construction of Uruguay
Chamber of the Refrigeration Industry
Chamber of Industries of Uruguay
Chamber of Transport of Uruguay
Uruguayan Real Estate Chamber
National Chamber of Food
Uruguayan Chamber of Tourism
Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology
Center of grocers, Bar tenders, small supermarkets and Allied Storekeepers of Uruguay
Uruguayan Camera of Video Game Developers
Navigation Center
Chamber of Digital Economy of Uruguay
Business confederation of Uruguay
Coordinator of the East Construction Industry
Agricultural cooperatives
Rural Federation
Association of Professional Land Transport of Uruguay
Commercial Defense League
Construction League of Uruguay
Exporters Union
Union of petrol seller
You can find the list of binational cameras associated with the National Chamber of Commerce and Services here.